Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11: light painting

light painting using flash

light painting using continuous light source
(spectrum screen saver)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10: canon transmitter ST-E3=RT and 600EX-RT flash

ETTL ALL: 2 slaves in small softbox,
no flash compensation
1/60 sec at f 4.0, ISO160

ETTL ALL: A:B=4:1, C=-1, -1 flash compensation
1/60 sec at f 4.0, ISO160

Manual A=1/32 B=1/32 C=1/64
1/60 sec at f 4.0, ISO160

Gr: A=ETTL, B=M (1/4), C=Ext. A., no flash compensation
1/60 sec at f 4.0, ISO16

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

9: dedicated flash

Direct flash on camera Priority setting

Flash fill Aperture Priority

Flash with modifier (pink plastic cover)

8: outdoor flash

Photo by Maggie Shannon

first attempt at assignment 8...
(strobe normal, background normal)

but then it got too cold.
(strobe -1, background normal)

second attempt at assignment 8...
1/40 sec at f/11
(strobe normal, background normal)

1/40 sec at f/11
(strobe -1, background normal)

1/80 sec at f/11
(strobe normal, background -1)

1/160 sec at f/11
(strobe normal, background -2)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

7: strobe with tungsten

Strobe on subject

Tungsten on background


With movement

Monday, October 14, 2013

6: size matters

Octabank, 1/125 at f/5.6, ISO 160
Beauty dish, 1/125 at f/5.6